Mental Health Services

Ages 10-24 and their families Bilingual English-Spanish

Stressed? Depressed? We are here to support you!

  • Individuals ages 10-24
  • Screening & Assessment
  • Intake
  • Commitment to full group cycle of wellness groups or time needed to meet case plan or therapy goals
Program Summary

The primary purpose of the Mental Health Program is to meet the unmet mental health needs of youth and families who are traditionally unwilling to pursue treatment, and whose problems place them at significant risk, and impede adequate functioning within their family, school, community, and mainstream society.

The Mental Health Case Manager provides screening/intake, case management and service linkage, and wellness groups. Our Therapist provides screening/assessment and individual/family therapy.

To enroll or refer clients to services, please complete the online referral: Horizons Outpatient Mental Health and Case Management Referral Form


Services will be provided on an on-going basis throughout the year.

Horizons Outpatient Referral Form